TKAM celebrated its 50th Anniversary with a screening at the White House. After viewing the video below, respond to what you heard, especially the comments made by the two students from Washington Lee High School.

If someone were to ask you why you believe this novel/film is important and timeless, how would you respond?

Aahed Abdullah
3/15/2013 08:35:26 am

I have heard many positive comments about the character of Atticus and how he is the greatest film hero of all times. He was Number one, and was a man who stood up for what is right and what he believes no matter what the cost is going to be. Also that he is such a great father figure to Jem and Scout, and was someone who the African American looked up to. I also heard Roslyn Brock say "We have to figure out a way to get along." she also said "In order to understand a person's perspective on an issue, you really have to look at it from his point of view." That's a big part of this novel that Scout goes through in order to understand people and the society. One of the students was James Wanda he stated that basically this novel cover a lot more than any other ordinary books. Also how this novel does a better job with confronting two sides, and showing a better view of perspectives of the time period. On the other hand Jesse Ferrell stated that "It's important to know how to handle situations in a responsible way." I agree with both and think that this Novel is very e and cover so many issues that were addressed back then, and which still exist today in some regions.
If I were asked why this Novel is Important and Timeless I would respond and say that this novel is very important because it involves the mind think about justice and equality, also fairness and humanity. We make mistakes and we could be judged by them and the actions we take because they make up who we are. As Mary Badham Wilt said "This Film is timeless, it has lessons that we still haven't learned yet." What she said is absolutely true. Everyone should be treated equally, and respect. They should not be looked down at just because of their race, color, or background. This novel speaks words that not many have the courage to talk about. It speaks the unspoken.

Daniel Downes
3/17/2013 06:10:24 am

The Novel "To Kill a Mocking Bird" is a important and timeless work of art that will never be forgotten. "To Kill a Mocking Bird" is important because it was one of if not the first novel to show the perspective of the non-prejudice white people and not the racist prejudice side. This novel was truely a eye-opener to all who read it from seeing the cruel attitude of Bob Ewell to seeing the loving compassionate attitude of Atticus Finch. In the video it says that Atticus Finch was the number one film hero of all time and i tottally with that statement in that he is a inspiration because in a time of racism he stood for what he believed and didn't care what others thought about him. Atticus Finch also showed the true picture of a perfect father from reading to Scout everynight to throwing the football with Jem he was a amazing charecter and should never be forgotten along with the novel.

Katie Fleming
3/17/2013 07:10:42 am

This novel was imporant to or sociecty because it was part of our right if this never happened or this story was never put out who knows what type of world we wpould be living in we still have people that discriminate but could you imagine living back then can you imagine what are world wouold be like now, this novel had some way of hope and peace for us even though we have problems today we dont live like they lived back then so this novel was a good way of showing it atticus standing up in what he believed in and not caring what other in his town had to say he stood up and tryed to cut out discrimmination.

Lashauntae finney
3/17/2013 09:42:54 am

It is important because it talks about segregation. And segregation will always be in our world somewhere. so yes it is timeless and it has a lot of life lessons in this book. So people should read it to get an idea of how trials were back then against whites and blacks. I personally got a better understanding about trials back then by reading this book. I encourage other people to read it too.

Amit Sharma
3/18/2013 12:16:04 am

I am surprised how people acted back then, like how blind are they that despite the fact the evidence may prove them guilty.

Jona Katzke
3/17/2013 12:26:05 pm

The novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" is a milestone and eye-opener. I absolutely agree with the student from the video. Harper Lee did a very good job showing how segregation impacted people's lives at this time. "To Kill a Mockingbird" is a timeless book because the issues from the book are still present today. And people like Atticus can change things by standing up for what they believe in.

Amit Sharma
3/18/2013 07:55:25 am

This book might just have been one of the best pieces of literature at least I have read through out my life as a student. The books we had to read such as The Scarlet Letter and A Seperate Piece were books that I read because I had to. But this book, To Kill A Mockingbird, was the only book that I acutally looked foward to. It was just so good and it made me feel good inside because someone acutally had the guts to express equality in the form of this book. I've seen racist people in the past judge people just becaue they're black or white, it's happened to me before just becaue I'm brown. I don't see any harm in being brown, at least I won't get sun burns. All jokes aside thank you Miss Moore for exposing us to this book it is truely a masterpiece.

Ms. Moore
3/25/2013 12:58:04 pm

Amit I am so glad you got something out of To Kill a Mockingbird, thank you for the hard work you put into your experience with this novel! To Kill a Mockingbird was one of the first novels I read as a student that actually made me think and react while I was reading. This was one of the first novels I read that I actually experienced, it is a pretty profound piece of literature.

Thank Ms. Yeingst! She picked it! :)

Angela Collins
3/18/2013 10:47:34 am

I think this movie is timeless because no matter how much the world is changing, there will still some where in the world be unfair treatment. And in this movie it shows how some people will think based on others & the way their family ways and thoughts will pass down to them. Just think about it now if a child was born into a family that hunts , and likes mudslidding , then that is normally what that child is going to like. Its like the family morals . This movie will always be good to society !


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