TKAM celebrated its 50th Anniversary with a screening at the White House. After viewing the video below, respond to what you heard, especially the comments made by the two students from Washington Lee High School.

If someone were to ask you why you believe this novel/film is important and timeless, how would you respond?

Laurence Fishburne discusses a moment from the novel/ film To Kill a Mockingbird when he was "wrecked". Share a moment from the novel or film when you were wrecked or touched by the words, events or ideas contained within the novel.
Some literary minds believe that the novel To Kill a Mockingbird was an additional catalyst for the Civil Right Movement. Why might this novel (published in 1960, as the Civil Rights Movement was gaining momentum) have helped to inspire readers to join the fight for equality for all peoples?
After watching the video below, respond to the idea of Scout as a role model for women (note they say women, not little girls). In what way is Scout a role model for all of us, even today... 53 years after the novel was first published?
Scout and Jem are given many words of wisdom from the adults around them.

What words of wisdom have you learned or adopted from the adults around you? Why did you choose to follow or adopt those words of wisdom? How have they helped to shape the person you are now?

Take a look at the different covers of To Kill a Mockingbird below, which one do you think best represents the novel and why? If you were to create your own cover what kind of images, words and colors would you use?(Note: Click the image to enlarge)
Create a haiku that captures a moment, theme, character or idea from To Kill a Mockingbird and write a paragraph analysis explaining what you wrote and why.

If you are not sure what a haiku is, read below for an explanation and example. HAVE FUN! :)

Haiku is a form of poetry, first made popular in Japan, which has become appreciated around the world. Haiku poets are challenged to convey a vivid message in only 17 syllables.

In Japan these poems are valued for their simplicity, openness, depth and lightness.

Structural Rules:
  • Use exactly 17 syllables
  • Syllables are arranged in three lines of 5-7-5
  • Avoid similes and metaphors
  • Refers to a season of the year

What is a Haiku about?
Haiku poems can describe anything, but are seldom complicated or hard to understand. Almost all Haiku has a dominant impression, or main idea, that appeals strongly to one of the five senses

An Example of a Haiku:

Clouds appear and bring -
to men a chance to rest from
looking at the moon
"If there's just one kind of folks, why can't they get along with each other? If they're all alike, why do they go out of their way to despise each other? Scout, I think I'm beginning to understand something. I think I'm beginning to understand why Boo Radley's stayed shut up in the house all this time. It's because he wants to stay inside.”  -Jem Finch
What do you make of this quote? What do you think Jem means? Have you ever felt the way Jem feels at this moment?