Laurence Fishburne discusses a moment from the novel/ film To Kill a Mockingbird when he was "wrecked". Share a moment from the novel or film when you were wrecked or touched by the words, events or ideas contained within the novel.
Aahed Abdullah
3/15/2013 07:21:52 am

I was touched by many events in the novel. I can relate to what Laurence Fishburne was saying when he talked about how Atticus feels about his children. Also when Atiicus was in front of the jail and Scout runs over to her father because she saw a crowd of men but could not see Atticus. They obviously were looking for trouble approach the Jail. But they were very respectful to Atticus, when he asked them not to make noise because Tom Robinson was asleep. There Scout was being very innocent and nice having a conversation with Mr Cunningham. At that moment the men felt very bad, as though they had no business being there. But the moment that touched me the most which I still remember and imagine when I read the novel was this same scene except it was when Jem was asked to leave and take Dill and Scout home and he refused and said "no sir" almost two or three times to Atticus in front of the men, in which Atticus became frustrated with Jem. That was heart touching because it really spoke out Jem's mind about how he really cared for his father and Tom Robinson. It showed another side to Jem, it also showed how he is understanding everything happening around him. Also that he is growing up, and standing up for what he believes is right no matter who is against him.

Kaely Whittington
3/16/2013 09:55:25 am

The part where Jem tells Atticus that he won't leave touched me as well. I think Jem understood what was going on and recognized the danger there even though Scout couldn't. It really showed how much courage he had because most boys at that age would have run away.

Amit Sharma
3/18/2013 09:46:18 am

Scout is so sweet and cute but at the same time she can be tough as an ox and brave as an eagle.

Maria Gianelle
3/17/2013 06:06:11 am

One of my favorite quotes from the book would have to be, "Summer, and he watched his children's heart break. Autumn again, and Boo's children needed him" (374). I love this quote because you see Jem and Scout through Boo's eyes. He has been watching them for so long and even though they had never met face to face, he still considered them his children. Boo protected them and he really loved them. That is why putting him through a trial for the death of Bob Ewell would be like shooting a mockingbird. Boo is just so innocent.

Katie Fleming
3/17/2013 07:36:20 am

Scout really touches me through out the book because she is such a good kid and she cares for everyone she wants to know when and what is going on with everyone same with Jem but Scout to me is always concerned about what is going on with her father and why everything is happening the way it is Jem inspires me when he starts to realize why things happened the way they did. Scout thought everyone was such a good person but she came to realize in the end that not everyone was really there for her father.

Jona Katzke
3/17/2013 12:40:31 pm

The moment in front of the jailhouse amazes me. Scout is a 6-year-old girl that does all the things nobody expects a 6-year-old kid to do. She feels when her dad needs help and she helps him without questioning herself what could happen. It's pretty cool I think and that's what makes many people look up to her.

Amit Sharma
3/18/2013 08:17:21 am

My favorite quote from the book is "Don't you say hey to me, you ugly girl! You say good afternoon, Mrs. Dubose!" (133) In the movie it was funnier than in the book because the way she said it was hilarious. Like say the quote in Mrs. Dubose's voice JEZZZ it's just so funny. That's really the only reason why I think it was a good quote. Thanks for showing us the movie Miss Moore.


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