Scout and Jem are given many words of wisdom from the adults around them.

What words of wisdom have you learned or adopted from the adults around you? Why did you choose to follow or adopt those words of wisdom? How have they helped to shape the person you are now?

Aahed Abdullah
3/15/2013 11:55:30 am

Words of wisdom that I have learned from adults and those around me have taken me a long way through life so far. I've learned that "To change your life, you must change your mind." Meaning if you want to take a different path in life, you have to change the way you think about certain things that come across you and also make different choices that will help you change your life. People would always tell me "Never think you aren't good enough for anything." I have experienced a lot the past nine years of my life, I came to a place I never really knew what to expect, not knowing the culture nor the language. My 5th grade teacher once told me in order to accomplish great success in life, we must first try even if it takes all the time and effort in the end its worth the try. I think that planted so many goals in my head that I can't just give up without trying, I can't say that I am not capable of doing something unless I try it. Sometimes you just do, and not think of the positives and negatives behind anything. If you put your mind to it, you can do it. I chose to follow many of these because I knew I would go far in life. I Look back and remember all the struggles. But I'm glad to say: here I am, grateful for what I have and proud of who I am.

Amit Sharma
3/18/2013 12:26:15 am

These are some powerful words my friend I must agree with everyone of them.

Maria Gianelle
3/16/2013 02:44:55 am

My parents have always told me to never give up on anything I really love. I chose to listen because I know it takes quite a bit of strength to pursue something so far away. By not giving up, I become stronger and I benefit. I've always been extremely competetive and I know hard work pays off. Even when an obstacle appears to be impossible to pass, I just have to remember that I can do anything if I put all my effort into it. I try my best to perservere and by doing so I have seized goals that seemed so unreachable before. Due to my hardwork, my accomplishments are just that much sweeter. I also have a quote that reassures me whenever I feel like something is impossible: "What lies behind us and what lies before us, are small matters compared to what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Nicole Schlegel
3/17/2013 07:40:11 am

I think those are very intelligent words of wisdom. If you give up what you truely love, you may never succeed and never fully enjoy life the way you are meant to.

Kelly Deehan
3/17/2013 09:13:35 am

I love the Emerson quote! I can really relate to it and find it inspiring.

Dylan Gregg
3/17/2013 01:35:49 pm

Hard work always does pay off. Whatever you put in, you will get out.

Amit Sharma
3/18/2013 12:28:28 am

If you love something with all your heart the entire universe will help you get it.

Kaely Whittington
3/16/2013 09:38:08 am

Some words of wisdom that have made an impact on my life are that no matter what you do, not everyone is going to like you. As humans, we all have the desire to be accepted and this desire can tend to run some of our lives. The piece of advice I've been given really helps me keep that in check and gives me the power to control my own thoughts and actions rather than letting the people around me control them. When I was younger, my life was a constant struggle to be someone that everyone liked. I believed that there was something wrong with me because no matter how hard I tried, I could never be that person. I chose to listen to this advice because it explained why that was happening to me and it showed me that I wasn't doing anything wrong other than not being myself. After taking these words into consideration, I was able to not care so much about what people think of me and to make the choices that I feel are right regardless of what anyone else has to say about them. I think that Atticus really lives by these words as well because he is able to do things that not everyone agrees with such defending Tom Robinson.

Brady Shreeves
3/16/2013 11:11:24 am

As a child my parents taught me that everything happens for a reason. I chose to follow that advice because I could see how it is true. They have helped me to be the person i am now because If something goes wrong I have that in the back of my head. For instance If I'm having a bad day I can expect for a better day to come. By knowing that everything will be okay at the end of the day will keep me satisfied even on a bad day. I recommend people to start following that advice. It could really change someone's life.

Sarah Bell Stuchlk
3/17/2013 06:10:39 am

I get that. I like that idea. It sounds like it's sorta linked to karma. Everything happens for a reason, and like how you said "if I'm having a bad day I can expect for a better day to come". *nod*

Hoey Ja
3/17/2013 03:27:35 pm

I like this quote. It gives me hope and strength when in times of trouble and need and one must fight through what life gives you. People should realize that everyone makes mistakes and its perfectly normal so we should learn from it and move on

Susana Padley
3/17/2013 01:49:57 am

One of the many wise lessons I have learned from my parents is that no matter what, everything will turn out to be okay. When you are in a tough situation or feel like it will never get better, this is a good thing to remember. No matter how hard the time is or how difficult your problem may be, there is always a solution. I have chosen to follow these words because I know they are true. Things seem to always get better with time. My parents have taught me that even if things do not go the way I want them to, you will learn from it and become a better person in the end.

karly pizza
3/17/2013 08:02:54 am

my parents have given me similar advice.

Daniel Downes
3/17/2013 09:44:31 am

I love Susan's words of wisdom because my parents have told me the same. These words of wisdom are true in the end everything turns out to be ok.

Ratyana Downing
3/17/2013 03:20:09 am

Some words of wisdom I've learned, and decided to live by, are simply "do unto others as you would want them to do to you and even if they treat you bad, be the bigger person and make a change". I believe that no matter how someone treats you, you should never stoop to their level and try to get even or do the same to them. Getting revenge, in my opinion, is just as worse as doing what they did to you. If you are nice to people that are mean to you, they will eventually stop because there is no one to fight with. In the words of so many people "two wrongs do not make a right".

Katie Fleming
3/17/2013 04:28:00 am

Words of wisdom that i have learned in life and have carryed with me through are believe in yourself before anyone else. meaning you have to have faith in your own self and trust your own self before anyone else can tell you anythig different. this can also help with alot of low self esteem people because if you have this set in your mind you can do anything and conquer any fear of yours. Some others i have been told is dont let anyone judge you untill they walkl in your path. EVERYONE judges people just by looks and actions noone never knows what life struggle
s they have or how they live until you walk in there path. Also i have learned that when something bad happens theres always a good outcome to it. That has happened to me alot and i believe in it in some way some times its longer than other times but there is a healing to everything

Lashauntae finney
3/17/2013 09:17:06 am

Thats a great point sabrina keep up the good work.!

Sarah Bell Stuchlik
3/17/2013 06:15:58 am

Some of the best advice I have ever gotten is from books. My parents do not spout verse, but I have many adult role models who don't actually exist. There is a TV show called Doctor Who, in which the main character one said "I've been around for 1094 years traveled through all of space and time, and in all my life I have never once met anyone who was unimportant". This is very uplifting. A book by John Greene, one of my favorite authors, taught me to be creative in my rebellions (I.E. rebel against what a typical rebellion would be). And Atticus Finch taught me that you don't know a person until you jump in their skin and walk around in it.

Lashauntae finney
3/17/2013 09:18:22 am

That quote is inspiring sarah!

Daniel Downes
3/17/2013 07:10:28 am

There are many words but not many words of wisdom in the world, many people have given me words of wisdom shaping me into the man I am today. There are many words of wisdom that i have heard from friends and family. Beginning with my favorite which is "Leave it all on the Court". This word of wisdom can apply to sports or school or life in general this just means give it all you got untill it is over. This words of wisdom has made me improve in many sports and school and in all has had a positive impact on my life. Another words of wisdom that has had a lasting impact on my life is the phrase "You cant understand untill you go through it in someone else's shoes". This word of wisdom has made me into a more thoughtful caring man and has made me slow down and think before i say or do something to see how it will effect the peole arround me. All in all words of wisdom is definitely a big factor in the shaping of the man i am today and hopefully as life goes on i will learn and take in more words of wisdom.

Jona Katzke
3/17/2013 01:49:02 pm

That are some nice words of wisdom. I like them because they apply to sports and to the novel. Keep it up Daniel!

Nicole Schlegel
3/17/2013 07:18:03 am

My parents have always told me to treat others the way you would want to be treated. I believe this statement has effected many moments of my life because if I was to act the way I felt without thinking about this, I probably would not be treated very well. I always try to stop and think how I would feel if someone said/did that to me. If I would be offended then I wouldn't procceed. Without this I would not have the friends I do today. You can not expect someone to respect you if you don't respect them in the first place. I think Atticus shows this throughout the entire book as he defends Tom as if it were himself being accused. Atticus respected the African Americans and in return they respected him and his family for all the work he had done.

Daniel Downes
3/17/2013 09:46:44 am

I really like Nicole's words of wisdom to treat others how you want to be treated i think these words are true and it all in all makes you into a better person.

Ryan Shannahan
3/17/2013 10:39:34 am

The golden rule. That is probably the best rule that anyone could follow. I wish more people would actually follow it. Great words of wisdom!

Kerigan Mattox
3/17/2013 11:05:47 am

I have gotten the same advice from my parents. Very good advice!

Zane Carter
3/17/2013 11:31:22 am

I totally agree with this statement. I think it probably helps me keep from fighting too much with my brother!

karly pizza
3/17/2013 08:02:10 am

some words of wisdom i have learned from my parents are to never give up on something you want. i chose to follow this because there have been times where i have failed at things i didn't want to did it anymore even though i loved doing it. they said that no matter what the outcome is you should never give up on something you love to do just because something doesn't go your way means you should give up on it completely. it has helped me become the person i am today because if they wouldn't have told me this i would have stopped doing everything i love to do. which had made all the difference is the choices i make throughout my life.

Amanda Workman
3/17/2013 09:28:21 pm

I like how they told you to never give up. I think it's really important to never stop doing or going for what's important to you.

Hoey Ja
3/17/2013 08:11:46 am

My parents have always told me to "give your complete best effort in the things that matter." If i fail, they wouldnt be disappointed. They would have been proud that i even tried and thats what counts: giving all of your potential and your capability to something you care about. Or else you'd be wasting time. This literally applies to everything in my life such as school, sports, etc. The phrase really stands out to me and i am still struggling to follow it because there are many factors that interfere like being lazy, lack of sleep, etc. The efforts i gave in from the phrase has made me become prepared for challenges and i am glad that my parents have put this into my head, or else i wouldnt be able to do many things.

Daniel Downes
3/17/2013 09:48:11 am

I really like Joey's because my parents have told me the same thing that as long as i tried my hardest there should be nothing to be dissapointed about.

Amirah Carolina
3/17/2013 08:27:11 am

My mother always told me that " Through all the bad things something positive will come out of it so don't turn away just because bad things are happening ". I never really got it when i was little because I would not want to be in a bad situation i would not deal with it as well if the same thing would happen to me now. But i learn never to give up on my dreams just because someone turned me down.I would just keep trying to succeed and do the best I can.

3/17/2013 09:19:26 am

My mom also says this quote to me alot! ; )

Lashauntae finney
3/17/2013 09:16:07 am

All my life my grandma has talked to me about wisdom. Whether its life lessons or just simply becoming a better me. I choose to listen to the words of wisdom she gave me because I look up to her and she is my inspiration. One of her favorite quotes is "just because they say your an apple doesn't make you an apple." That quote got new through middle school and some of high school because I learned to stop thinking about what people say or think you be the best you, you can be.

Amber Truitt
3/17/2013 10:13:23 am

Words of wisdom I've grown up to know are that no matter what everyone else thinks of you and what you want to achieve, the only one it truly matters to is yourself. There will always be that one person or group that knocks you or your future. That silly expression of "haters will be my motivators," actually has some truth behind it and goes hand and hand with the other statement. Personally, the negative has always made me more determined to achieve what I want to and never change who I am. Both sayings have made a big difference.

Ryan Shannahan
3/17/2013 10:34:11 am

I don't think my parents have said any classic words of wisdom. I do know that I have learned lessons from them based on the way they act. My dad is very involved in "public affairs" so I have learned to be very social. Even if I don't completely know that person, I can talk to them. These could help me with relations with my coworkers. Like I said, my parents actions mold me more than their words. I'm sure there were plenty of good things my parents have told me, but I learned by actions.

Kerigan Mattox
3/17/2013 11:11:03 am

i have been told "never give up because you never know how close you are to achieve your goals". this statement gives me hope that if i keep trying, one day i will be where i want to be. wether i ended up where i wanted to be in the first place or not, its all the effort that counts. as i follow this advice, i have become a hard worker and i rarely give up on things because i know that if i keep trying i will suceed. there are alot of people i know that need the same advice because i seem them giving up on their big dreams. i like to see people happy with their accomplishments. when i ever i feel like i can never make it or feel like i have failed, i remember to try try again.

Zane Carter
3/17/2013 11:29:00 am

Probably the biggest thing my parents have taught me is RESPECT. Respect fits into every aspect of life. If you can respect whatever you are doing you can succeed at it. One example would be school. Even if you don't want to be there or don't want to do the work, if you respect your teachers and parents and their plans for you it will get you through it. Another example would be sports. If you respect the game, yourself, and your opponents, you can succeed and even learn life lessons from it. Finally, probably specifically for me would be hunting. If you respect the animals that you hunt you can enjoy the hunt without ever feeling like you're doing something wrong. You will also respect the animal enough to humanely take it. Respect is what drives my life.

Blaire Langeler
3/17/2013 11:34:19 am

Growing up my grandmother always told me to be the best person I could possibly be, to do what makes me happy, and to be a leader not follow the crowd. Her advice and guidance has definitely influenced the person I am today. I know just because the decisions I make may not suit what other people believe is the best, I can accept that because I know whats best for me. I also am not afraid to speak up and say what I think about things especially if I'm standing up for what I believe in.

Dylan Gregg
3/17/2013 12:36:11 pm

My dad once told me that when you do anything give your best shot. I chose to follow these words of wisdom because why do something if youre not going to try your hardest? Nothing comes out of being lazy and not trying. I try my hardest at everything I do whether it be sports, grades or other hobbies. A coach once told me that if you go into anything with confidence, only positive thing will come out. Believing in my self lets me perform at my fullest ability at anything.Confidence has allowed me to try new hobbies, sports, or make new friends.

Amanda Workman
3/17/2013 09:27:37 pm

Some of the words of wisdom that I have adopted from around me are the same words that Scout and Jem heard. The first one was to always treat people fairly. I have always been told that it would make everyone's life easier if everyone was treated the same and never put down because of prejudices. Another one would be never judge someone until you get to know them, which is like Atticus's saying "walk in someone else's skin". I chose to follow both of these words of wisdom because they're something that everyone should follow for our world to be a lot better. They have helped make me a better and more fair person. You should never make judgements about people unless you know them.


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