If you were to make a To Kill a Mockingbird soundtrack, what songs would you choose and why? Share 2 options.
Do you act differently depending upon who you are with, where you are or what you are doing? That's your social mask, we all have one. 

Calpurnia has been with the Finch family since the children were very young. When going to Cal's church, Scout and Jem learn that there is another side to her. How and why does Cal act differently when she is around the Finch family in Maycomb and another way when she is with her own family on the other side of town? Why do you think she puts on a social mask?

Do you think that people change their behavior according to whom they are with? If so, why might they change their behavior?

 "Mockingbirds don’t do one thing except make music for us to enjoy. They don’t eat up people’s gardens, don’t nest in corn cribs, they don’t do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.”-Ms. Maudie

What does this quote mean to you? Do you have any Mockingbirds in your life?

If your house were to catch fire and you could carry out one armload, what would you choose to take and why? (Chap. 7-8)
Words are very powerful. They can be used as a "weapon" to create change, for power, for growth, for survival, and for ultimate success.

Why do words have so much power?
How can one effectively use their words as a weapon?
Why are spoken words more powerful that any other "weapon" in the world?

Are words used as a weapon in the novel? How and by whom?

  • What are your impressions of Maycomb. What connections can you make to your own town?
  • Explore the social issues you become aware of in the first three chapters.
  • Make some predictions about how Boo Radley will become involved in the story.
  • From what you have learned so far, how might you describe Boo?
  • Discuss the concept of being an outsider. What does it mean to be an outsider? Why are some people outsiders?

Share your thoughts about a few of the bullets below; be sure to respond to the prompt in BLUE.
  • Discuss your impressions of Maycomb. What connections can you make?
  • Discuss the social issues you become aware of in the first three chapters.
  • Make some predictions about how Boo Radley will become involved in the story.
  • From what you have learned so far, how might you describe Boo?
  • Discuss the concept of being an outsider. What does it mean to be an outsider? Why are some people outsiders?

What is the most important sentence of Chapter 1? Why?